Tennessee PTA Legislative Priorities 2023-2024
Download the Legislative Priorities PDF here.
Parent Engagement and School Opportunities are Integral to the Success of Students
• Families should have the freedom to choose the best public education learning environment for their students without penalties or prejudice to them or their school.
• We oppose diverting public funds or tax dollars to private and parochial schools through vouchers, ESAs, or similar efforts.
• We recommend that all schools receiving public funds be held accountable to the same standards and requirements.
• We assert that local school districts as opposed to appointed state boards are best suited to make decisions in regard to schools within their locality and that decisions in regards to establishment and approval of schools should be left to those who were elected to do so in each municipality.
• Families should be included throughout policy and legislation discussions.
• Families should be encouraged to share their ideas and concerns and be recognized as meaningful partners in finding safe and equitable education solutions.
Ensure a safe, Supportive, and Inclusive environment for all students that promotes mental and physical well being.
• All students and educators have a right to attend schools that are safe and conducive to learning and achievement.
• Adequate funding should be provided for school building improvements to ensure a safe, well maintained, and secure buildings.
• Education systems should identify and eliminate practices and policies which are systemically racist, support biases or inequitable.
• Encourage schools to use positive behavioral interventions and supports that are effective, fair, and consistently implemented. Such practices may include restorative justice and trauma-informed care.
• Investment in the necessary physical and psychological student supports and services, appropriate resources for health and wellness services, increased qualified, school-based health and wellness practitioners.
• Support policies and programs that address the prevention, intervention, and elimination of bullying.
• Adopt measures that ensure our children are protected from gun violence and support efforts to ensure that children are not experiencing Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) as a result of gun violence in their communities.
All students should have access to Quality Education
• All Students deserve access to quality educational materials that are self-reflective and create a deeper understanding of materials through self-recognition and representation.
• Focus on understanding achievement and opportunity gaps within schools and work to implement policies to close the achievement and opportunity gaps for students.
• Provide Post-Secondary Pathways that meet the interests and workforce needs within communities in order to ensure that all students have the ability to succeed.